Thursday, October 8, 2009


As I was working on my taxes a few days ago I had this book opened in front of me. It is from the exhibition, "Detour" at the National Building Museum in Washington, DC. The theme of the book is places where travelers could stop along a particularly scenic route in Norway. The stops would be conceived of and built by prominent architects. The architects involved with this one in Lofoten were Snødalle As. When starting to put colors together for the next basket. I realized that I was being drawn to the cool neutral colors in this photograph, Also, instead of weaving a closed form, I've been enjoying the wide open central area of this space. Here are the bits of color I will be using.


  1. I love seeing your 'process' and can't wait to see the finished're such a talented artist!

  2. Oh Rebecca, I didn't know that you had left a comment. (I have since changed my settings so that Blogger lets me know when people post comments.) As for the finished basket, I'm not really sure which basket it turned into ... I do remember adding reds and oranges though, which changed the tone of the basket.

  3. This is such a lovely inspiration photo. Looks like Machu Pichu. Be sure to show us the finished art!

  4. The basket evolved into something quite different from the cool tone I began with. As I worked, i craved drama for the basket and added bands of warm red. A few days later I sold it at a show ... Here's a link to see the finished basket:
