Usually I think of myself as a basketmaker and 3-dimensional artist, but now I'm looking at the world with the eyes of a painter/photographer. Everything I look at, I see with infinite graphic potential. I see patterns, color combinations, studies in light and shadow, and I also imagine how I can enhance and/or distort them. For the last few months I have been overtaken by a serious infatuation with photo apps. My favorites are Paper Camera and Instagram. These and other applications on the iPhone's camera, have changed the way I look at the world around me. (I've posted a few Paper Camera photos on my Facebook page, but I'll talk more about that in a future blog post.)

Yesterday, after pouring espresso into my steamed milk, I looked at it, and I found a DUCK in my latte! (The point here is that I'm noticing more, and looking at things with new eyes.)

This morning, I saw this reflection in my living room window. (Everything appears double, ie. the vertical bars and the two houses ... because of the storm window. The backround greenery is the arborvitae out back. The houses are little sculptures in the reflected window.) This photo, although cropped and darkened a bit, was not otherwise altered. The exciting and remarkable point to this photo is that I've been trying to create images like this with the photo apps. This morning though, nature and circumstances created it and I just showed up at the right time and caught it with the camera.
I'm not sure what I'm going to do with all the new photo inspiration, but I'll never get bored.
And ... I still want to write about the square, double-walled basket I made ... (another post waiting to be written soon).